lately and a motherhood moment


"If any of us engaged in the work of mothering thought much about it as the task of fashioning the fine points of civilization, we would be frozen into immobility by the enormity of the task" (Loud and Clear, 57, Anna Quindlen)

Frozen is right!! Sometimes as a Mom I am completely overwhelmed by the task at hand that I almost literally freeze and do nothing but just stare at the wall. Then there are other times I am sure that I can take on the world and may as well bust out a cape and my wonder woman cuffs.

I really love being a Mom and feel that it will be the very most important and noble job I will ever take on. A few things that were working for me last week:

*Can we just say that a live kefir/young coconut combo at the gelatto shop just about heals everthing. I can't tell you the happiness that is in the concoction.
*Cleaning the house really really good for the first time in weeks knowing that the kids were only going to come home from school and mess it up. That is when I thought an outing to Fountain Hills was just what the doctor ordered. It worked! We didn't get home until bedtime..which extended the clean time and my fuse.
*Planning all of the wildflower outings/hikes to go on after I picked up a copy of Arizona Highways magazine...that was a great and healthy distraction if I must say.
*A vintage ceramic head at the antique store that looked a little Anjelica Huston-ish. I may need her to liven up a space in my home.
*Desert drives are the best this time of year. Cactus are just so sculptural and unique. We passed a new lake and let the kids get out and take their shoes off to play in the water.
*My sister came over with her cute kids. When she came to the door she looked like a million dollhairs and then turned to walk away and by golly her sunglasses were hanging on by one arm. That is when she said baby Anna had broken it off. I smiled again at the things motherhood does to oneself.

It's crazy because as a mom if you don't loose yourself you won't find that better part of yourself and if you loose yourself too much then you are just plain lost..oh that whole balancing act can be a tricky thing...ya know??

Hope this will be a nice week for all.