

It's Friday and I feel fine. In fact I'm going to lay out a few things that make me happy and I wasn't even planning on doing so but I am going with it...

First and I am not even kidding but TRIM..yes I am obsessed with trim like in the above images. It's all about the details.

Secondly, just read this lovely post and felt uplifted & inspired to never not want to create so I can be like the Creator. The beauty of it all is that we all can create in our own ways.

Lastly how about a small town parade with triplet boys who have candy stuffed into their little mouths and are wearing cameras on their shirts...yes pls. I think I am mostly saying yes pls. because I had the help that came in the form of a Papa, a Grandma and an Aunt Alisha. Without them I would have been toast (more like the boys would have been toast or flattened out like a pancake after being hit by a float from running into the street). Husband was too busy to be of assistance because he was off sitting on one of the before mentioned floats thinking he was the star of the parade. At least he was sitting on the 20 year high school reunion float and not the 30 year one...see big time. Oh don't fret though those weren't the only things to pass by in the parade. We saw lots of beauty queens, tractors and hot rods:-) Just wait until I tell you about kids catching fish with their bare hands after the parade in the park. Well hot dang because it's all true.


Have a lovely weekend!

{images top to bottom here, here, here, here]