Coombe Farm










I REALLY love modern desgin..that means in art, decor and fashion but oftentimes I find my mind wandering over to a very simple and warm cottage or farm. I guess you can say that I am really drawn to a modern cottage or farmhouse...a place with lots of texture. Of course the kitchen would be the heart of the home and in conjunction with the rest of the house would be extra warm. Perhaps my dream kitchen would even have a wood burning fireplace or worn wooden beams. There would be a nice little garden outside with fresh fruits and veggies. I guess what I am trying to say is that my husband should be really glad when my mind wanders into such a daydream because I usually kick it into full gear in the kitchen during one of these bouts...Like today when I saw the above home and suddenly felt the need stay in the kitchen a little longer and whip up something other than Auntie Annie's mac and chesse:-)

Good chance that tomorrow I will need something fun, colorful and full of energy.

For more pictures of the above home go here.